Corn fibre is a by-product of the Maize based specialty products. Corn fibre is a mixture of the seed coat and remaining endosperm of the kernel after the extraction of the starch, gluten, and germ. Fibre is composed of 21% protein, 18% starch, and 30% fibre which makes it ideal as an ingredient for animal feed. Fibre can be mixed with concentrated steeping liquor (called Gluten Feed). Despite its high portion of the fibre, it can still be regarded as an energy source. The level of protein degradability is an important factor when considering protein levels in the diet of livestock. The fibre produced from the corn wet milling process is somewhat more digestible than in the dry form.
We are the processor, supplier & exporter of maize fibre in India. It manufactures the dry fibre under strict quality control measures to retain its purity & make them export ready for worldwide markets. Maize enriched fibre is the pericarp of the maize grain, it is yellow to light brown coloured odourless fibre and free from harmful constituents and rancidity. Corn fibre is a good source of energy for cattle & poultry as it contains the essential amino acids and vitamins.

- Cattle Feed Industry
- Poultry Feed Industry
- Swine Feed Industry
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